文化表演 & 知识的讨论

165多年来, 浩博体育app has been a rich cultural resource for creative expression and intellectual discussion in the Susquehanna River Valley. 从戏剧中创新的人类表达, music and dance to global art and artifacts in exhibitions — and much more in between — the variety of programs offers world-class art, 演出及讲座.

今年, we are excited to welcome two 艺术家系列 events to our stages and other highly regarded professionals who will present readings of their work, 展示他们的艺术, 主持讲座和讨论. We are proud to showcase our students in theatrical and musical performances, 声乐和器乐音乐会,并阅读他们的作品.


Whether you’re yearning to take in a performance of our wickedly talented students or looking to be swept off your feet, 我们邀请你成为我们的客人.

浏览下面我们2024-25年的产品. Tickets, which are required for some events, are available through the box office. 门票可以在线购买,也可以亲自或打电话购买 570 - 372艺术






Tickets can be purchased by visiting the 票房 or calling 570 - 372艺术. Will call可用.




10月. 29, 7:30 p.m.

舞者形象 庆祝超过30年的舞蹈制作 陈乃妮舞团 is a rare Asian American female-created touring company that honors and advances the dynamic spirit of Chinese American cultural tradition. Nai-Ni Chen’s unique choreographic styles reflect the grace and splendor of the Chinese cultural traditions she studied in Taiwan and the dynamic spirit of modern and contemporary dance she acquired in New York. The Company’s contribution to the community has been honored by OCA, 全国领先的亚裔美国人倡导组织, New Jersey Chinese American Chamber of Commerce and the 国际 Institute in Jersey City. The Company has toured extensively in the United States and at international festivals around the world and has been honored with over 20 awards from the National Endowment for the 艺术. Prominent institutions — including the Lincoln Center Institute, 乔伊斯剧院, 在街上跳舞, 新泽西芭蕾舞团, 芭蕾舞了, Dancing Wheels and Baraka Sele at NJPAC — all have commissioned notable works.

米歇尔还 & Imani风


米歇尔·卡恩靠在钢琴上的齐腰照片. Lauded as “exquisite” by The Philadelphia Inquirer and “a pianist of sterling artistry” by Gramophone, 米歇尔还 has become one of the most sought-after pianists of her generation. She made her debut with The Philadelphia Orchestra in 2021 and has performed concertos with The Cleveland Orchestra, 国家交响乐团, 圣保罗教堂Sinfônica Municipal de s, the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the symphony orchestras of Atlanta, 巴尔的摩和辛辛那提. 著名的室内音乐家, 卡恩曾与著名艺术家合作, 包括催化剂, 多佛和茱莉亚弦乐四重奏, 小提琴家Timothy和Nikki choi, 和大提琴家托马斯·梅萨.
She has appeared as co-host and collaborative pianist with NPR’s From the Top , 与演员兼指挥家达蒙·古普顿合作, 小提琴家莱拉·约瑟夫维奇, 小提琴家,麦克阿瑟奖获得者维杰·古普塔.


伊马尼风的成员们和他们的乐器合影 Imani风 is the 2024 Grammy winner in the classical compendium category for Jeff Scott’s 对巴赫和科尔特兰的热爱 , released on their recently formed record label, Imani风 Media. 庆祝超过四分之一个世纪的音乐制作, the three-time Grammy-nominated ensemble has led both a revolution and evolution of the wind quintet through their dynamic playing, 冒险的编程, imaginative collaborations and outreach endeavors that have inspired audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The ensemble’s playlist embraces traditional chamber music repertoire and newly commissioned works from voices that reflect historical events and the times in which we currently live. Twenty-six seasons of full-time touring has brought Imani风 to virtually every major chamber music series, performing arts center and summer festival in the United States. 他们定期在著名场所演出, 包括卡内基音乐厅, 林肯中心和肯尼迪中心, and have a presence at festivals such as Chamber Music Northwest, 肖托夸研究所和班夫中心. Their international presence includes concerts throughout Asia, 澳大利亚, 巴西, 英格兰, 欧洲和新西兰. 到目前为止, one of Imani风’ most humbling recognitions is a permanent presence in the classical music section of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C.

更多的艺术 & 浩博体育app

Image of a dancer jumping in the air with their dress spread out.

艺术 & 活动指南

This guide features 浩博体育app’s 艺术 and 浩博体育app for the 2024–25 Season, 从2024年8月开始到2025年4月结束. 

Pick up your copy at various downtown Selinsgrove businesses or click the button below to page through the guide.

2024 - 25艺术 & 活动指南



成为Susquehanna艺术之友, and it will be our pleasure to recognize your generosity in our 艺术家系列 event programs. Contributors of $250 or more also receive tickets to each 艺术家系列 event as an acknowledgment of our appreciation.





使用这张地图可以很容易地找到艺术 & 活动建筑和场地位置. 




信息 & Details


Tickets are required for 艺术家系列 and main stage season performances. 价格分类如下:

  • 高级: 60岁或以上人士.
  • Non-SU学生: persons who are age 18 or younger or who have valid student identification.
  • 所有其他的都是收费的 成人 率.

A group of 15 or more is entitled to a 10% discount on tickets for the same event (when tickets are purchased together).

Patrons who purchase a ticket for two 艺术家系列 events will receive a ticket for the third 艺术家系列 event with our compliments.


The Degenstein Center 票房 is located in the 德根斯坦中心剧院 lobby. 点击 在这里 了解更多购票事宜. 


Guests of 浩博体育app can park in the lot behind Weber Chapel Auditorium 活动期间免费(见上面的校园地图). 如果那块空地被填满了,在它的西边有一块空地.


Legally recognized service animals pursuant to Pennsylvania and federal law are permitted.

All university buildings are smoke free (including electronic cigarettes).

整个校园都可以无线上网. To gain access to the SU GUEST network, register your device (access expires daily).



Selinsgrove,爸爸. 17870






570 - 372艺术